Monday, 5 November 2012

NCC Orders Telcoms To Provide Instant Call Bills To Consumers

The Nigerian Communications Commission yesterday directed all mobile operators in Nigeria to send, free of charge, a message or an alert to both postpaid and prepaid subscribers after every call, SMS, or system generated charge or tariff, and also provide full details of the cost of each call, and available balances to the subscriber. Continue...

The Direction mandates the mobile operators to send messages containing six critical information including: Exact duration of the Call Minutes and Seconds, Total Cost for each Call or SMS; Customer Accounts Balance after the last call for prepaid and SMS; Customer Account Balance after a charge or tariff and the reason for the charge or tariff; Cumulative call charges up to the last call within the charging period for postpaid customers; Cost of services and Credit balance upon request by customer for data service.

NCC said the service is free to subscribers and any operator which fails to commence the service to its subscribers from first of this month will be liable to fine in the sum of N5million as sanction and a further sum of N500,000  per day as long as the contravention persists.

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